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Log File 2018.03.05

Even though the pregnancy had been somewhat easy on Val, all things considered-- she still wasn't convinced that anyone would really enjoy it and those claiming so were probably insane. She was in the kitchen working on cutting up a pineapple as Layla walked into the same room commenting that it'd take gallons of pineapple juice to actually induce labor.

Val states she'd been eating it throughout the pregnancy and it seems that baby loves the fruit. After a quiet moment, she speaks what's nagging on her mind-- knowing an apology is going to sound hollow at this point regarding their vanishing act. She didn't want Kevin to carry the blame for the decision nor did she want to pretend that everything was okay. Just because Val asked her to didn't mean that Layla was going to let Kevin not take responsibility for his own decision to go along with Val's actions. He had just as much a mind to do what was right-- even if at the time she thought it was the best way to protect her family. It hadn't been fair to those here, a different family for them both, to be lead into thinking they were dead.

Given the fact that Layla could come and go knowingly into any room within the estate when someone wasn't present-- the fact that she'd chosen to have the brief encounter with Val was a good sign. It wasn't lost on Val either, but things wouldn't be the same after this. After their absence for so long.

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