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Log File 2018.04.14

Meanwhile on the Ragnarok…

Angela makes it clear that Layla is their prisoner, but if she could mind her manners then they could act as hosts which would be better than jailers. This didn’t seem unreasonable to Layla, and it could potentially give her time to maybe do something for Mal or the others. Before the conversation could continue between the two, another woman entered, a bit too giddy at recounting how Ruby had dropped to the ground from the shot at her eye and also being the apparent culprit that caused the injury with the large gun hanging from her side. Zaria, a fair green skinned woman with vibrant red hair paused to appraise Layla before addressing Angela about what would be done with her. Angela made it clear that Layla was to be their guest. AD3M, a rust skin colored android, followed next into the room a few moments later, gleefully chided Zaria her supposed victory.

Layla asked what their plan would be now. It was explained that Mal was known to Angela long before he crossed paths her and that he came from a dangerous bloodline. One she’d seen the ill effects of that threat far and wide and he had promised not to utilize those abilities again and risk bringing about the rebirth of that evil. The promise made after they’d ended their work together. Only Layla would know about when Mal broke that promise to Angela— it was when he’d brought her back to life. Ruby had also worked with this crew for a time, under the impression of having the same mission, the obvious bad blood Zaria had for Ruby was due to the reality not being as implied.

Despite the idle near sibling back and forth between Zaria and AD3M in the background, Angela concluded her explanation or as much as she intended to tell Layla at this point. It left Layla to wonder if she’d considered that this path Mal was on now couldn’t possibly end up leading to a better future— she’d seen the future without…and it wasn’t a good one for any one. There was definitely something else tied to Angela’s feeling on the matter regarding Mal, and it prompted her to ask if she loved him still rather than keeping the thought to herself. Angela admits to those feelings for Mal, but adds another question for Layla to consider. Who would make Blue hesitate more, Angela or Layla? With that she ended the conversation to leave AD3M to escort Layla to her quarters for the time being. The android asked during their walk to her room if she were compatible with M.A.L. with an amused tone and for the moment the only real answer Layla had was they’d find out…

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